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Luca De Lucia

Professor of Italian and European Administrative Law

Full professor of Italian and European administrative law at the University of Salerno. He is member of the Editorial Board of Review of European Administrative Law and has recently published: (with Paola Chirulli), Non-Judicial Remedies and EU Administration (Routledge 2021); (Ed. with Ferdinand Wollenschläger) Sfide e innovazioni nel diritto pubblico - Herausforderungen und Innovationen im Öffentlichen Recht (Turin, Baden-Baden 2019); ‘The New Aarhus Regulation and the Defensive Behaviour of the European Legislator’, Review of European Administrative Law 2/2022, 7-34; ‘Verwaltungsrechtsschutz in europäischen Agenturen’ in von A. Bogdandy, P.M. Huber, L. Marcusson Handbuch Ius Publicum Europaeum. Verwaltungsgerichtsbarkeit in Europa: Gemeineuropäische Perspektiven und supranationaler Rechtsschutz (Müller 2021) 825-888.